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Oct 102012

This course is the next installment in the established series of SIGGRAPH courses on real-time rendering. It presents the best graphics practices and research from the game-development community and provides practical and production-proven algorithms. The focus of the course is on the intersection between the game-development community and state-of-the-art 3D graphics research, and the potential for cross-pollination of knowledge in future games and other interactive applications.

Slides are available in here.

Sep 242012

 Patrick Cozzy, Christophe Riccio (eds)

Since I’m one of the authors of a couple of chapters in this book I’ll refrain from commenting on it. Check out the companion site, it is full of information, includes 5 sample chapters and all the companion source code.

More information about this title at or

Jul 102012

I’ve been working for some time with wxWidgets. The only thing I’ve missed, regarding OpenGL, is the ability to define my own OpenGL context, in particular Core profile and Debug contexts.

To be able to set a context we, or the toolkit we’re using, must use the wglCreateContextAttribsARB function, as defined in the WGL_ARB_create_context extension. As it happens, wxWidgets uses wglCreateContext, hence no OpenGL context can be explicitly defined using the provided source code for the current release (2.9.4).

As OpenGL context setting is not yet in the roadmap for future releases of wxWidgets, nor is it in its Todo List, I’m sharing a solution for this issue.

The solution is for the Windows platform, but other platforms should be as easy to change as well.

Note: I make no claim regarding the quality of the solution, it worked for me, and that’s all I claim. If anyone knows of a better way of doing this comments are most welcome, as they may prove useful for other readers (and me as well 🙂 ).

Continue reading »

Jul 092012

The University of California UC Davis, has an excellent introductory course on Computer Graphics (21 lectures, close to an hour each), available through iTunes University. The course is given by Kenneth Joy, who does an amazing job, providing very clear and easy to follow lectures.

The course objectives are described in here.

May 312012

Bloodshed Dev-C++ is a full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C/C++ programming language. It uses Mingw port of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) as it’s compiler. Dev-C++ can also be used in combination with Cygwin or any other GCC based compiler.

Here is a short tutorial that was pointed to me to setup Dev C++ with OpenGL. The tutorial  is from the collection of Programming Tutorials and Lecture Notes from the Computer Science Department of Central Connecticut State University.

Feb 212012

The updated version of GLSL tutorial. Only the core version will be dealt in this tutorial.

The tutorial is, and will be in the near future, in construction. I don’t plan to close it, at least in the near future, unless a new version of OpenGL changes everything again.

I’ll be adding content from time to time, initially to get the base complete, and afterwards to provide examples.

The tutorial does not intend to replace the specs as THE source to fully grasp GLSL and OpenGL. The specs are essential, but can be hard to start learning. So consider the tutorial as a gentle introduction to the theme.

As always, your cooperation is a must to get things right. Tutorials always have bugs, mistakes, and things that are not clearly explained. Furthermore, I might get somethings wrong, but please be gentle 🙂 Your feedback is important.

Well, this is it. Have fun playing with GLSL and OpenGL!

Move on to the Index.