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Clip Space Approach – Implementation Details

Prev: Clip Space Approach - Extracting the Planes Next: Radar Approach - Testing Points

The following function, from class FrustumG, performs the plane extraction as described above, assuming that the matriz A=M*P is given as a parameter:

#define m(row,col)  m[col*4+row-5]

void FrustumG::setFrustum(float *m) {

				 m(3,1) + m(4,1),
				 m(3,2) + m(4,2),
				 m(3,3) + m(4,3),
				 m(3,4) + m(4,4));
				-m(3,1) + m(4,1),
				-m(3,2) + m(4,2),
				-m(3,3) + m(4,3),
				-m(3,4) + m(4,4));
				 m(2,1) + m(4,1),
				 m(2,2) + m(4,2),
				 m(2,3) + m(4,3),
				 m(2,4) + m(4,4));
				-m(2,1) + m(4,1),
				-m(2,2) + m(4,2),
				-m(2,3) + m(4,3),
				-m(2,4) + m(4,4));
				 m(1,1) + m(4,1),
				 m(1,2) + m(4,2),
				 m(1,3) + m(4,3),
				 m(1,4) + m(4,4));
				-m(1,1) + m(4,1),
				-m(1,2) + m(4,2),
				-m(1,3) + m(4,3),
				-m(1,4) + m(4,4));

#undef M

The function setCoefficients from the class Plane is as follows:

void Plane::setCoefficients(float a, float b, float c, float d) {

	// set the normal vector
	//compute the lenght of the vector
	float l = normal.length();
	// normalize the vector
	// and divide d by th length as well
	this->d = d/l;

To extract the matrices M and P from OpenGL state the function glGetFloatv can be used:

	float m[16],p[16];


Matrix multiplication is then performed to compute A = M*P. A simple matrix multiplication such as the one below will do:

void multMat(float *res,float *a, float *b) {

	for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
		for (int j = 0;j < 4;j++) {
			res[i*4+j] = 0.0;
			for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
				res[i*4+j] += a[i*4+k] * b[k*4+j];

The following is a solution for lazy people, using OpenGL to perform the multiplication for you (in my laptop it is actually slightly faster!) :

void multMat2(float *res, float *a, float *b) {


	glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, res);


Once the planes are extracted, testing points, spheres or boxes, works exactly as in the geometric approach.


Prev: Clip Space Approach - Extracting the Planes Next: Radar Approach - Testing Points

  2 Responses to “Clip Space Approach – Implementation Details”

  1. I am attempting to implement this approach (based on the Hartmaan and Gribb method found here; but I am having little success.

    I’m not using the fixed-function pipeline, so I have access to the model, view and projecton matrices seperately. Am I correct in thinking that, in this example, the Model matrix is always an identity?

    When I move my camera, the frustum plane normals always seem to point toward the origin, regardless of camera position – I’m not sure where I’m going wrong.

  2. I might be wrong here, in that case please excuse my ignorance, but when transforming a vertex (v) from object space to view space (v’), the order of multiplications is:

    v' = P * V * M * v

    Where P is the projection matrix, V is the view matrix, and M is the model matrix (of course, in OpenGL model and view are represented as a single model-view-matrix). And the order is important, since matrix multiplication is not commutative:

    A * B != B * A

    So is it really correct that

    A = M * P

    since that is exactly the opposite order used when transposing a vertex.

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