Help end child hunger
Apr 202011

ShaderGen is an old tool from 3D labs, but its usefulness is not gone. The tool creates shaders that mimic the results of a set of fixed function state. There is a large set of options to define a state as available in OpenGL compatibility mode. Lighting, Fog, and all the other features that are gone in core profiles. Select the options you desire, check the result with fixed functionality, and then press “generate”. The tool creates the shaders that emulate those fixed function features. It only produces GLSL 1.2 code, but conversion shouldn’t be an issue.

Apr 132011

AMD CodeAnalyst for Windows® | AMD Developer Central.

AMD CodeAnalyst Performance Analyzer for Windows is a suite of powerful tools that help developers optimize software performance. CodeAnalyst uses profiling to identify and analyze performance hotspots within an application, library, driver or kernel module. CodeAnalyst profiles both managed and native code. CodeAnalyst collects system-wide profile data with low overhead and is well-suited for multi-threaded, multi-core development. Software under analysis executes at full speed.

Apr 072011

GPU Tools | AMD Developer Central.

AMD has an excellent  collection of tools for OpenCL and Shader development in the GPU Tools area. Included are PerfStudio, a performance analysis and debugging tool, and ShaderAnalizer for analysing the performance of individual shaders. Currently they only work with Compatibility Profile, hope an update will cover the more recent versions.

Mar 222011

gDEBugger – OpenGL and OpenCL Debugger, Profiler and Memory Analyzer.

A must have tool. It profiles your code using OpenGL with GLSL, showing the number of function calls, your data on the graphics hardware, shaders, uniforms, vertex data, … you name it. You can establish breakpoints at OpenGL functions and run it function by function, or frame by frame. It does not require any additions to your code, and even tells you if you’re calling deprecated functions.